About this blog and the author

This blog is about living and getting on in a village as someone who does not belong to the majority of people with regard to interests, hobbies, etc. plus being restricted by a chronic illness.

The Author:

My name is Barbara, I grew up in a small German town of about 32,000 inhabitants where I also spent much of my life. Apart from that I had lived in another town of about 20,000 inhabitants, an even smaller town of about 3,500 inhabitants and I’m now living in a village of about 5,000 inhabitants spread over five village parts. Nine months of my life I had spent in London and found that this is the place I really belong, but until now I’m restricted to short visits there every now and then.

The village I’m currently living in is not bad – on the contrary. There are several supermarkets and smaller shops, banks, doctors (GPs) and dentists, a pharmacy, a chemist’s, hairdressers, a post agency and a Catholic and a Lutheran church. Furthermore there are restaurants and pubs, as well as sports, music and carnival clubs. So all in all a lovely place to live – if you prefer the mainstream. But of course, like in almost every village in the world, there is hardly anything for people who do not like those usual things.

For me it is even worse, because I don’t have a car – or rather, I don’t like to drive, mainly because I’m chronically ill and always afraid of dizzy spells or pain attacks. If I want to – or have to – go somewhere my husband has to take me, as public transport often does not get you anywhere when you need to be there (even though I was told it has improved greatly, but I still think it’s a disaster).

So, this is the situation I’m living in and as I cannot get out at the moment, I try to make the best of it – even though it is not always easy – still hoping that GOD Willing some day I will have the opportunity to move to a more inhabited place once again and / or get rid of my illness.

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